Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Alpha males and adventurous human females : gender and synthetic genomics

In May of 2010, two influential Science papers changed the way that we think about the past and future of genomes. The decoding of the Neandertal genome showed that humans and Neandertals interbred some time before Neandertals went extinct some 30,000 years ago. A couple weeks later, the J. Craig Venter Institute announced their chemical synthesis of a complete bacterial genome and its ?booting up? in a closely related cell. The coincidence of the announcement of ancient and synthetic genomes, as well as the recent publication of technologies for large scale bacterial genome engineering from George Church?s lab led some people to ask whether it would be possible to clone Neandertals by a combination of gene synthesis, human genome editing, and stem cell cloning.

While the New Scientist article about the implications of the Neandertal genome was pessimistic on the short-term prospect of ?resurrecting? Neandertals, George Church himself has more recently made news by suggesting how such a future scenario might work in his recent book Regenesis: How Synthetic Biology Will Reinvent Nature and Ourselves. In the book?s introduction, Church (with science writer Ed Regis) writes:

You?d start with a stem cell genome from a human adult and gradually reverse-engineer it into the Neanderthal genome or a reasonably close equivalent. These stem cells cal produce tissues and organs. If society becomes comfortable with cloning and sees value in true human diversity, then the whole Neanderthal creature itself could be cloned by a surrogate mother chimp?or by an extremely adventurous human female.

While the news storm has made it seem like this is an active area of research in the Church lab, George has been clear that his statements were meant to spark discussion about the myriad social and ethical aspects of such an endeavor given its possible technical feasibility, not to recruit any surrogate mothers to a study.

Ethical concerns have been paramount in the development of reproductive technologies, mammalian cloning, stem cell biology, genomics, and synthetic biology in recent decades, and the question of Neandertal resurrection would certainly engage with the ethical concerns arising from all of these fields. For now, I want to address just one very small social aspect of Church?s statement, and how it affects the practice of synthetic biology. For Church, the prospect of cloning Neandertals is in large part about diversity. In the Der Spiegel interview, Church contradicts the interviewer when asked whether it would be ethical to create a Neandertal for the sake of curiosity. Church says:

Well, curiosity may be part of it, but it?s not the most important driving force. The main goal is to increase diversity. The one thing that is bad for society is low diversity. This is true for culture or evolution, for species and also for whole societies. If you become a monoculture, you are at great risk of perishing. Therefore the recreation of Neanderthals would be mainly a question of societal risk avoidance.

For such a technological commitment to human diversity, Church?s book tells a very different story about diversity amongst the practitioners of synthetic biology. Of the approximately 160 names mentioned in the book?s index, only 10% are the names of women, and only one of those names is a practicing academic synthetic biologist, involved in the founding of one of Church?s many startup companies. The ?extremely adventurous human female? mentioned in the context of Neandertal surrogacy (and easily replaceable by a chimpanzee) therefore represents a significant percentage of all the women mentioned in the whole book.

This observation points at not only the continuing lack of women and minorities in science, engineering, and technology, but at perhaps a deeper problem about the culturally perceived character of the engineer and the growing mythology surrounding well-known synthetic biologists. Craig Venter, a major figure in genomics, both natural and synthetic, and no stranger to the myth-making of scientists, wrote about how he sees himself in response to the 2013 Edge question ?What *Should* We Be Worried About?:

As a scientist, an optimist, an atheist and an alpha male I don?t worry. As a scientist I explore and seek understanding of the world (s) around me and in me. As an optimist I wake up each morning with a new start on all my endeavors with hope and excitement. As an atheist I know I only have the time between my birth and my death to accomplish something meaningful. As an alpha male I believe I can and do work to solve problems and change the world.

As we write the history of synthetic biology and the pioneering scientists and engineers who are rewriting the code of life, it is these ?alpha males? who are written as the adventurous creators of new life forms and ?adventurous females? that are the anonymous vessels for their DNA-based creations. For Venter?s ?Synthia,? the chemically synthesized genome came to be seen as ?life,? while the host cell whose membrane, cytoplasm, and proteins ?booted up? the inert DNA is but the ?chassis.? In the potential design of a Neandertal baby, a human being is the ?chassis? organism, the ?donor cell? for a transplanted genome, the unpredictable host context that can confound synthetic biology designs.

In such scientific imaginings we get futuristic versions of some very retrograde cultural ideas about gender. While I know that these men don?t actually think of the women in their lives and in their labs as simply vessels for DNA (some of my best friends are male synthetic biologists!), I also know that leaving these kinds of statements unexamined can lead to an environment that makes it harder for women working in these labs, harder for women to be chosen as speakers at quantitative synthetic biology conferences, and harder for women to be promoted and advance in their field. Before we discuss the potential of cloned Neandertals to boost human diversity, we must first consider our role in boosting the diversity of our labs, companies, faculty, and conferences with the humans that actually exist.


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Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Tax levies: Large print giveth, small print taketh away ? Business ...

The aftermath of the Great Recession may very well be read in an increase in the number of tax levies on wages, as employees scrimped on their taxes to pay for other things. The IRS isn?t sympathetic, and that?s bad news for you. Tax levies, with their different withholding and remittance rules and paperwork requirements are an inconvenience for already overworked Payroll departments.

Liability lessons

Employees who have shorted the IRS may not be too happy about having to pony up on the back end through tax levies. A couple of recent cases reaffirm that you aren?t liable for withholding under a tax levy.

  • A federal appellate court ruled that an employer wasn?t liable to an employee for honoring a tax levy. Among the employee?s more colorful allegations against his employer were that it breached its fiduciary duty, committed fraud and negligence, intentionally inflicted emotional distress and tortuously interfered with contract and business relationships. (Hughes v. Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LP, No. 11-10698, 5th Cir., 2012)

  • A federal trial court dismissed an employee?s lawsuit seeking $445,000 in damages from his employer for honoring a tax levy. Employee?s allegations: He never agreed to withholding under the levy, and, by withholding, the employer breached its at-will contract with him; the cash damages were to compensate him for lost wages, lost investments, loss of the ability to pay normal bills and mental anguish associated with those losses. (Al-Sharif v. Epes Transport System, Inc., No. 1:11-cv-00037, D.C. S. Ga., 2012)

PAYROLL PRACTICE TIP: As these cases show, employees (and their lawyers) can be pretty creative. Regardless of the frivolous nature of these lawsuits, the company and individual employees will still be forced to hire attorneys and go to court to have such cases dismissed. Advice: Consider ?adopting a policy under which employees will be terminated for bringing frivolous lawsuits.

How tax levies work

The IRS will send you Form 668-W, which contains instructions for you and the employee. It also provides levy tables, which are inflation-adjusted every year, from which you figure the employee?s take-home pay.

Tax levies take priority over all other garnishments. Exceptions: If the employee?s wages are also subject to a state tax levy or an order for child support withholding, and those levies were served first, they are honored first. If all levies are served simultaneously, the federal levy is honored first.

To implement a levy, take these steps.

  1. Figure the employee?s regular income tax withholding, plus pre-levy voluntary deductions. Watch it: New deductions, or an increase in existing deductions, usually aren?t allowed. What?s OK: increases in 401(k) deductions that are based on salary increases. What?s not OK: increases to repay a company loan (the original deduction to repay the loan is OK).

  2. To arrive at the employee?s take-home pay, use the 2013 tables for levies beginning this year. The difference between the amount left after regular withholding and the exempt amount, as shown in the levy tables, is the amount you send to the IRS to satisfy the levy. If you?re honoring a levy from a prior year, continue using the tables that were in effect for that year, unless the employee changes the number of exemptions or updates his/her parts of Form 668-W for 2013. In that case, use the 2013 tables to recalculate the exempt amount. The IRS publishes these tables in Pub. 1494, which is available on the IRS? website.

  3. You can send one check to the IRS for multiple tax levies, but you must separately list the details of each employee?s levy. Include a phone number that the IRS can use if it has questions.

Take it. It?s yours

An employee who chooses not to incur the wrath of the IRS and the Payroll department can stave off a levy by entering into a voluntary withholding agreement with the IRS. Of course, any voluntary agreement to withhold back taxes requires the employer?s consent. If you agree, you and the employee complete and file Form 2159 with the IRS.

FYI: As with levies, withholding is separate from regular income tax withholding. Once withholding begins, it continues until the IRS provides a release.

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Little-known Technologies: Big Impact on Business | -

zioskA few weeks ago I had a British experience at Pizzeria Uno's near Boston. No, they weren't serving fish and chips. On each table at the restaurant was a little wireless device. When I was done eating I paid for my meal by using the device. No server was involved. I say this was a British experience because every time I visit my wife's family in London. my kids drag us to the local Pizza Express restaurant. After receiving our bill of $100 for a pizza dinner (yes, London is expensive) we pay for it like all Londoners do: via a handheld device brought to our table by our server. I always wondered why this type of mobile payment technology isn't more widespread here in the U.S. Well, I can wonder no more. It's here. And it's just one little technology that's going to change millions of small businesses.

The device I used is made by Ziosk. "Ziosk is currently servicing about 5 million guests per month. Over the next 12 months. we will service 100 million guests and in the next 24 months we will be servicing 100 million guests per month." This is per John Regal, the company's chief marketing pfficer. By using the Ziosk's 7-in. touch screen, guests can check into Facebook or the restaurant's loyalty program, view the menu, order food and drinks, play games, read the news, view movie trailers and pay their check. And unlike my family's beloved Pizza Express in London, a server doesn't have to bring the device to the table - it's there to play with for the entire meal.

The company, which currently employs 48 people, is in the process of raising $10 million from private investors and is focusing on the casual dining industry. According to Regal, there are 168,000 of these restaurants in the U.S. and they serve over 20 billion meals per year.

Why not create a smartphone or tablet app for your customers instead? Ziosk is more secure, costs a lot less than building your own application more fun. "Future applications will enable guests to interact with the Ziosk via their mobile phone, for example, using it as a game controller," says Regal. "Or, if the guest has an NFC (near field communications) enabled phone, they can tap the Ziosk to pay for their meal or to receive special offers to be added to their e-wallet."

Any business with a point-of-sale system, which pretty much means any small business in the retail or restaurant industry, will be using devices like the ones made by Ziosk within the next few years.

Of course, it would be a lot easier if their data was accurate and stored in one place too. This is also happening. Quietly, a little company called Locu has built up a database of over half a million businesses in the restaurant industry. And now they're turning to other small businesses like nail salons and beauty shops and spas. Your business might already be in their database. Should you care? According to the company, you should.

"Maybe your menu changes daily or weekly, or maybe you have soup or sandwich of the day, or maybe you find out at the very last minute that there won't be any tomatoes for your famous marinara-what do you do? Call your Webmaster? Manually update your menu? Then post your changes online site by site? With Locu, you use your online dashboard to make changes simply and quickly. It's all in one place and it's super easy to use."

TechCrunch reported that the company recently debuted programming tools which will allow developers to pull in menu, pricing and hours of operation information from local restaurants into their applications. Already "several hundred companies" are now using these tools, including a "few big-name partners."

Why am I excited about Locu? Say you're running a restaurant and want to change your menu. Or offer a special happy hour. Or say you own a pharmacy or a nail salon or a gas station or a pizza shop and you want to add a new item, change a price, announce a contest or start a new delivery service.

Instead of figuring out how to do this on your own, you update Locu's database. Instead of your own tangled chaos of data stored in a spreadsheet/website/database created for you by that high school kid last summer you now have a single, uniform, consistent repository of data that will then be familiar to a network of programmers. With so many small businesses trying to figure out how to use the web and social media to attract new customers and grow, Locu (at least in my opinion), has figured out the answer: provide a single database of pertinent information that the customer needs and make sure it's accurate. Then open it up for smart programmers (like the people at Ziosk maybe?) to access and build custom applications.

We're just starting to use the cloud. Except it's a mess. Because there's not just one "cloud." There's millions of little databases and websites stored throughout the cloud. Companies like Locu are beginning to bring all this data together for good, low-cost use.

And what about the countless small businesses that use photography to sell their products and services? Landscapers proudly take photos of their jobs to display to their customers. Roofers and contractors often take before-and-after pictures to demonstrate the effectiveness of their work. Many of us use our cameras to take snap shots of our employees, our offices, ourselves in action and we're using these photos on our websites, brochures and other marketing materials.

Well, that's all about to change. A new camera is hitting the stores shortly. It's called Lytro and it uses light field technology. At $399, the Lytro camera is the first consumer camera to capture the entire light field. No other conventional camera does that today. So, why should you care? According to the company, when you capture all the light traveling in every direction in every point in space, you can do some pretty cool things like focusing a picture after you take it and creating interactive, living pictures. When you share those living pictures online, your friends, family members or customers can refocus them too, right in Facebook, in Twitter or on a blog or website. These living pictures are highly engaging, fun to share and easy to create. And it's a whole new way for your customers to engage with your business.

How will businesses benefit? "Simple," says the company's Vice President of Marketing Kira Wampler. "Business owners who want to create interactive content to engage customers, prospects and fans online will enjoy using the Lytro camera. We've seen bakeries create re-focusable cupcake pictures and aquarium aficionados take amazing fish shots. Beyond small business, there are many industrial, commercial and scientific applications for light field technology." Light field technology, in my opinion, will be a game changer for how we show our products and services to our customers and enable them to interact with our companies differently.

Keep an eye on Lytro. And Locu. And Ziosk. You've probably never heard of them before. But these are three little technologies that may have a big impact on your business.




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Monday, 21 January 2013

Mature T cells can switch function to better tackle infection

Jan. 20, 2013 ? Helper cells of the immune system can switch to become killer cells in the gut. The fate of mature T lymphocytes might be a lot more flexible than previously thought. New research from the RIKEN Center for Allergy and Immunology (RCAI) in Japan and La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology (LIAI) in the USA shows for the first time that mature CD4+ helper T lymphocytes can be re-programed to become killer-like CD8+ T lymphocytes and gain killing functions.

The findings are reported January 20 in the journal Nature Immunology, by a team of researchers led by Ichiro Taniuchi from RIKEN and Hilde Cheroutre from La Jolla. The team show using transgenic mice that mature CD4+ helper T lymphocytes that have lost the transcription factor ThPOK express genes specific to CD8+ killer T lymphocytes upon exposure to a specific environmental stimulation such as the gut. This turns them into killer cells that might act to control infection.

CD4+ helper T lymphocytes and CD8+ killer T lymphocytes are important players in the body's defense mechanism against infection. CD4+ helper T lymphocytes normally only assist other cells of the immune system during an infection, whereas CD8+ killer T cells are the main actors in the elimination of infected cells.

Both types of cells are generated in the thymus, where their early precursors develop first into cells bearing both CD4 and CD8 markers. These CD4+ CD8+ cells then differentiate into cells bearing either the CD4 or CD8 marker and take on either a helper (CD4+) or killer (CD8+) fate.

The transcription factor ThPOK is known to play a crucial role in the fate determination of T lymphocytes in the thymus. It represses genes specific to CD8+ cells in precursors of helper T cells and prevents these cells from differentiating into CD8+ killer cells. The expression of ThPOK continues in mature CD4+ helper T cells and is repressed in mature CD8+ cells.

In the study, Taniuchi, Cheroutre and colleagues show that upon deactivation of ThPOK, mature CD4+ T cells revert back to bearing both CD4 and CD8 markers in the mouse intestine. By analyzing RNA extracted from ThPOK-negative CD4+ CD8+ cells, the researchers demonstrate that the cells express various CD8+ cell-specific genes encoding for cytolitic proteins and that they have effectively differentiated into CD8+ killer T cells.

The authors conclude: "The unexpected plasticity of mature CD4+ T cells to differentiate into CD8+ cytolitic cells expands the functional capabilities of CD4+ T cells. It is possible that CD4+ T cells are also involved in direct protective functions and provide the immune system with an alternative protective mechanism."

According to them, these cells may be recruited to help in the immune response at interfaces such as the skin or mucosae, where the rapid elimination of infected cells is crucial.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by RIKEN.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Daniel Mucida, Mohammad Mushtaq Husain, Sawako Muroi, Femke van Wijk, Ryo Shinnakasu, Yoshinori Naoe, Bernardo Sgarbi Reis, Yujun Huang, Florence Lambolez, Michael Docherty, Antoine Attinger, Jr-Wen Shui, Gisen Kim, Christopher J Lena, Shinya Sakaguchi, Chizuko Miyamoto, Peng Wang, Koji Atarashi, Yunji Park, Toshinori Nakayama, Kenya Honda, Wilfried Ellmeier, Mitchell Kronenberg, Ichiro Taniuchi, Hilde Cheroutre. Transcriptional reprogramming of mature CD4 helper T cells generates distinct MHC class II?restricted cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Nature Immunology, 2013; DOI: 10.1038/ni.2523

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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World's best big wave surfers compete at Mavericks

Ryan Augenstein competes during the third heat of the Mavericks Surf Competition in Half Moon Bay, Calif., Sunday, Jan. 20, 2013. (AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez)

Ryan Augenstein competes during the third heat of the Mavericks Surf Competition in Half Moon Bay, Calif., Sunday, Jan. 20, 2013. (AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez)

Spectators cheer on Nathan Fletcher, left, and Rusty Long as they compete during a semifinal heat at the Mavericks Invitational big wave surf contest in Half Moon Bay, Calif., Sunday, Jan. 20, 2013. (AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez)

Colin Dwyer competes during heat 4 of the Mavericks Invitational big wave surf contest in Half Moon Bay, Calif., Sunday, Jan. 20, 2013. (AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez)

A remote-controlled toy surfer goes through the water during the Mavericks Invitational big wave surf contest in Half Moon Bay, Calif., Sunday, Jan. 20, 2013. (AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez)

Grant "Twiggy" Baker competes during the fourth heat of the Mavericks Invitational big wave surf contest in Half Moon Bay, Calif., Sunday, Jan. 20, 2013. (AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez)

HALF MOON BAY, Calif. (AP) ? As swells lumbered across the Pacific toward Northern California, nearly two dozen of the world's best big wave surfers went to meet them on Sunday, a half-mile offshore at the famed surfing break known as Mavericks.

For the first time since 2010, the Mavericks Invitational surf contest ? which requires wave faces of at least 20 feet ? got under way at the bone-crushing break that has claimed the lives of two expert big wave surfers.

Wave forecasters this week saw an excellent mixture of swell, wind, tide and sunny skies, though the waves Sunday morning were not quite as big as expected.

Contestant Tyler Smith said there were long waits between sets of waves, but there were some good rides for the patient.

"You just have to be in the right place at the right time," said Smith.

Once the decision was made to run the contest, the call went out to the surfers, giving them a couple of days to pack their boards and wetsuits, and hop a plane.

Surfing the wave at Mavericks is a feat that takes athletic skill, experience and nerve.

The swells travel through deep water for five days before hitting a small, finger-like section of shallow reef that juts out into the sea.

When the swell meets the reef, the wave jumps upward and crashes back down with a fury, eventually washing through a section of craggy rocks.

The takeoff is often so steep that the surfers' big-wave "gun" surfboards leave the wave face, forcing the surfers to land near the bottom and make a quick turn before being pummeled by the wave's lip.

The spot ? named after the dog of Jeff Clark, who is credited with being the first to surf Mavericks ? has earned a nasty reputation. Mark Foo, a legendary big-wave surfer from Hawaii, died while surfing Mavericks in 1994. In 2011, another seasoned waterman, Sion Milosky, died there just weeks after another surfer nearly drowned.

This year's contest will be different: spectators are forbidden access to the beach or bluffs. After a large set of waves crashed into the crowd in 2010, injuring dozens, local officials barred crowds from congregating there.

Also, people congregating on the bluffs and along tide pools during previous contests caused environmental damage.

This year organizers have set up a festival at a nearby hotel, featuring a large screen that will broadcast the surfing live. The surfers will hold the awards ceremony there at the end of the contest.

The Coast Guard has issued a high surf advisory for the weekend, and is warning people throughout the region to watch for "sneaker waves" and other hazards.


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Associated Press


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Sunday, 20 January 2013

Dehydrating Class Jan 30 Cooper City | On The Lime

Jan 17, 11 seats remaining of 12

Raw foods class On the Lime
Wouldn?t it be exciting to take part in a ?live? raw food demonstration? To see how the foods are prepared in front of you and find out the time involved; ask questions, but most of all to TASTE everything I offer? And discover new favorites you easily can make at home?

Have you become tired and little bit older sooner than you expected? Maybe a few more wrinkles and a few extra pounds here and there? No real energy for work, home, family nor friends like before?

-Picture from previous class

Would you like to learn how this food can change all of this? How quickly it is prepared and how divine it actually tastes? So you get your energy back, your taste for life, get rid of some unwanted pounds without any work and without being hungry? Ending up more vibrant, with less pain and aches, nicer complexion etc. and the pleasure of feeling a bit younger?

PLEASE COME AND JOIN ME ? be part of a wonderful class in delightful Cooper City (Stirling Rd and S Pine Island Rd) and get to know or fall in love with the exciting raw food lifestyle filled with the most appetizing, fresh, natural and wholesome foods.

I really look forward to meet you and to run an inspirational class by demonstrating yummy seasonal raw foods and discussing the pros and cons with dehydrated foods, sharing tips and pitfalls to avoid, facts re dehydrators etc.
Cranberry Zing On the LimeWELL WHAT ABOUT THE FOODS?
These are the foods I would like to delight you with (subject to change):

Welcome drink: a red heart healthy Beet Juice! Refreshing and surprisingly fruity with a wonderful color.
Breakfast: A filling and satisfying Seasonal Breakfast/snack which can hold you over for a long time.
Main dish: A dehydrated savory dish as main course. I am still testing ? details to follow.
Dessert: A sweet treat ? easy to make and to bring along. Dehydrated of course!
Raw foodklass Åsa Paul-JohanssonThe main topic in this class is Dehydrators and Dehydrating Foods. I will give you names of various brands; along with pros and cons of dehydrating foods, tips for success and pitfalls to avoid. Find out if you might be interested in investing in a dehydrator? Or get inspired and start using the one you have.


The two of you will hear, absorb and appreciate different things from the class, which you can share with each other afterwards. Besides you will have someone to exchange recipes, tips and success stories with (like weight loss, better sleep, increased stamina, less pains and aches etc.) And it is great to have someone cheer you on!
Sign up for the class here>> (limited seating, only 12 places because we are in a private home and furthermore I would like the opportunity to speak a little with each and one of you).
Free bonus yellow w red ribbonsAll participants will receive a free and interesting bonus. Maybe a little surprise as well! Actually I am delighted because I have a new ingredient to share with you that I am pretty sure none of you have tried before!


Date and time: Wednesday January 30th, 2013. From 7:00 pm ? 9:00 pm. (More like 9.30 because people have a great time and stay around to chat!)
Location: Cooper City, Stirling Rd and S Pine Island Rd, in a private home (detailed address in confirmation email ? once payment is received in full.)
Cost: $75.00 for 2 fully loaded hours; includes all foods and drinks (organic), free bonus, lecture/s, demonstrations, a small surprise, question and answer session, as well as recipe printouts. Take advantage of the Early Bird Special just $59.00! (Ends Jan 25th)
Sign up: Send mail to or click here>>
Payment: Once you have signed up for this class, I will send you an invoice via email. You can easily pay with either your PayPal account or card.
Confirmation: When payment is received in full, a confirmation mail is sent to you including full address, directions, what to bring etc.
Please note! Limited space ? only 12 seats for this event.
Raw foodklass Åsa Paul-JohanssonVERY WELCOME to an inspiring raw food evening with the best of foods!!!
For questions or to sign up click here>>

Below are some comments from students who attended previous classes:

-This was truly one of the most enjoyable and enlightening days ever. Thank you for the wonderful, energetic class today.? I enjoyed every moment and am still thinking about it. Thank you.
Sandy, Fort Lauderdale

-I had so much fun learning from you, Asa. I look forward to the next class. Thanks!
Randee, Fort Lauderdale

-Just wanted to thank you for a fantastic class.? I learned a lot and I am inspired to change my diet to include more raw!
Rosemary Ferejohn, Hollywood

-Your class was fabulous and I have raved about it to my coworkers. I made your soup last night, forgot to buy the lemon but it was equally tasty. Can?t beat a dinner that is all green and inexpensive to add to it! Plus I have left over for dinner tonight!
Marie Kardemo, Fort Lauderdale

-Thank you again for another superb class.? I love all the details that you share, as well as the ambiance, the recipes, the ceremony, people, and celebration of good things in our lives. You continue to be an inspiration!
Sandy, Fort Lauderdale

-Thank you so much for what you are doing. I am very grateful for your classes!
Pia, Fort Lauderdale

I hope to see you on January 30th for a wonderful raw food event filled with interesting information, lots of motivation, good people and delicious foods!

For questions or to sign up click here>>

Åsa Paul-Johansson raw foodMost welcome!
Do you want to know more about ?sa? Click here>>

?sa Paul-Johansson
On the Lime ? Raw Foods
Facebook On the Lime ? Raw Foods
Fort Lauderdale area, Florida



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Hundreds honor information activist Swartz in NYC

Journalist Quinn Norton Brown speaks during the memorial service for Aaron Swartz, Saturday, Jan. 19, 2013 in New York. Friends and supporters of Swartz paid tribute Saturday to the free-information activist and online prodigy, who killed himself last week as he faced trial on hacking charges. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)

Journalist Quinn Norton Brown speaks during the memorial service for Aaron Swartz, Saturday, Jan. 19, 2013 in New York. Friends and supporters of Swartz paid tribute Saturday to the free-information activist and online prodigy, who killed himself last week as he faced trial on hacking charges. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)

Taren Stinebrickner-Kauffman, Aaron Swartz's partner and Founder and Executive Director of, speaks during his memorial service, Saturday, Jan. 19, 2013 in New York. Friends and supporters of Swartz paid tribute Saturday to the free-information activist and online prodigy, who killed himself last week as he faced trial on hacking charges. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)

Holden Karnosfsky, Co-Founder and Co-Executive Director of GiveWell speaks during the memorial service for Aaron Swartz, Saturday, Jan. 19, 2013 in New York. Friends and supporters of Swartz paid tribute Saturday to the free-information activist and online prodigy, who killed himself last week as he faced trial on hacking charges. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)

David Segal, Executive Director of Demand Progress speaks during the memorial service for Aaron Swartz, Saturday, Jan. 19, 2013 in New York. Friends and supporters of Aaron Swartz paid tribute Saturday to the free-information activist and online prodigy, who killed himself last week as he faced trial on hacking charges. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)

Roy Singham, Founder and chairman of Freedom to Connect speaks during the memorial service for Aaron Swartz, Saturday, Jan. 19, 2013 in New York. Friends and supporters of Swartz paid tribute Saturday to the free-information activist and online prodigy, who killed himself last week as he faced trial on hacking charges. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)

NEW YORK (AP) ? Portraying his suicide as the product of injustice, friends and supporters at a memorial Saturday for free-information advocate Aaron Swartz called for changing computer-crime laws and the legal system itself.

At a New York City ceremony that was part tribute and part rallying cry, Swartz ? who killed himself this month as he faced trial on hacking charges ? was painted as a precocious technologist, erudite activist and hounded hero. One speaker called him nothing less than an "Internet saint."

To prosecutors, the 26-year-old Swartz was a thief whose aims to make information available didn't excuse the illegal acts he was charged with: breaking into a wiring closet at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and tapping into its computer network to download millions of paid-access scholarly articles, which he planned to share publicly.

But Swartz's girlfriend said the case drove him to his death.

"He was so scared and so frustrated and so desperate and, more than anything else, just so weary. I think he just couldn't take it another day," Taren Stinebrickner-Kauffman told the hundreds of people who gathered to remember Swartz. ". In the end, he couldn't allow (prosecutors) to control him, either."

Friends attending the memorial remembered Swartz as a crusader for the open exchange of information ? an "Internet saint," in the words of Quinn Norton, a journalist who writes about hacker and online culture.

Doc Searls, 65, a columnist and advocate for making computer code publicly accessible, said he met Swartz when the tech prodigy was a teenager and noted that the two "were often generational bookends at conferences we went to."

"When we're young we think our cause is a sprint, and when we're middle-aged we thing is it's a marathon," Searls said. "But when we're old we think it's a relay race. And Aaron was the one you wanted to hand it off to."

A grandson of activist folk singer Pete Seeger, Kitama Jackson, read a note from his grandfather that said: "These modern times are filled with such contradictions that experts are not agreed on what the future of the human race will be. But we can agree today that it was a tragedy for this brilliant young man to be so threatened that he hanged himself."

Swartz was found dead in his Brooklyn apartment on Jan. 11 as a trial in Boston loomed in his future. Federal prosecutors said he planned to make the paid-access articles obtained via MIT's network available for free.

Whatever he aimed to do with the data, "stealing is stealing, whether you use a computer command or a crowbar," Boston U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz said before Swartz's death.

But his family, admirers and some legal experts blasted the case as overreaching that drove Swartz to his death. His father, Robert Swartz, has said his son "was killed by the government."

The digital archive that holds the articles, JSTOR, has said it regretted being drawn into the criminal case and didn't pursue any claims against Swartz after he returned the data in 2011. Days before his death, the nonprofit JSTOR announced that it planned to make more than 4.5 million articles available for free.

Swartz had pleaded not guilty to some 13 felony charges. They carried the potential for decades in prison and enormous fines, though prosecutors have said they never intended to seek the maximum penalties.

A shaken Ortiz said this week she was "terribly upset about what happened," appearing near tears at one point as she spoke about the case. But she said her office handled it fairly and appropriately.

Swartz was a young teenager when he helped create RSS, technology for gathering updates from blogs, news sites and elsewhere on the Web. He later co-founded the social news site Reddit and Demand Progress, a group that campaigns against online censorship.

"He was trying to hack the whole world, in the best way." Demand Progress Executive Director David Segal told memorial attendees at the Great Hall at Cooper Union.

Roy Singham, founder of the software company Thoughtworks, said Swartz "deeply wanted to protect humanity's intellectual treasures" and keep them part of the public domain, and to ensure that technology was a tool for promoting democracy, rather than for amassing profit and power.

Glenn Otis Brown, director of business development at Twitter, remembered the precocious 15 or 16-year-old he met while working as the executive director of Creative Commons, which provides a way for people to license their code or online work for public use.

Swartz's role there was to translate legal software-licensing agreements into computer-readable code ? a job he peppered with humor, such as reframing the complex legal concepts as haikus. For example, "Public domain: Do what you feel like / Since the work is abandoned / the law doesn't care," or "If you touch this file / my lawyers will come kill you / so kindly refrain."

Brown recalled a blog post Swartz once wrote about spending 30 days offline: "I felt like I was in control of my life, instead of the other way around."


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Associated Press


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imranijins: Of Home and Farm: Family Fun

...because it is always fun when our whole family is together! There's always something to do, things to laugh at, good food to eat, places to go, games to play and always late nights which equal get-up-when-you-feel-like-it mornings which are nice during christmas vacation. And if I had been on top of things I would have posted all these pictures already but I decided if I post once a week--that's good, because it is time consuming and I hate spending tons of time on this thing!


?Jesse Bear, What will you wear? (A FIAR favorite of ours)


?Playing a six hour game of Risk which was WAAAYYY too long!


?(We decided to play the shortened version which shortened it up about 5 1/2 hours. *grin*)


?Wedding planning!


?With all of Aunt Jo's dolls and Uncle Nathan's farm toys Mary was all set. It looks like she's cleaning out the barn here. :)


?The Sat. after Christmas our whole family was able to go to Aunt Sue's house and see all the aunts, uncles and cousins. Aunt Sue had alot of fun toys for Mary.


?Playing dutch-blitz with some of the cousins


?Back home again, after a marvelous snowfall we decided to play fox and geese with David and Ro.


?It was very entertaining.






?So Ro made us frogmore for dinner one evening......


?Boil everything together in a big pot and dump it out on the table.

You know, kind of like feeding cattle at the trough. ;)



?Carrots, marinated chicken, potatoes, peppers, onions, shrimp, smokies and probably more that I'm forgetting.


?Spoon some cheese sauce or barbecue sauce or ketchup or ranch down on the table to dip the stuff in.


?Its absolutely awesome! Don't mind the shrimp tails in the distance.


?A David and Rhoda tournament!


?She looks determined!


?Playing a hilarious family game of pass-the-pillow


Nathan LOVES it when the older boys come home. He crawls all over them and in return he gets tickled and tormented but he loves it!??


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Why she is Divorced

"Last week was my birthday and I didn't feel very well waking up on that

I went downstairs for breakfast hoping my husband would be pleasant and say,
'Happy Birthday!', and possibly have a small present for me.

As it turned out, he barely said good morning, let alone ' Happy Birthday.'

I thought....well, that's marriage for you, but the kids.... they will

My kids came bouncing down stairs to breakfast and didn't say a word.
So when I left for the office I felt pretty low and somewhat despondent.

As I walked into my office, my handsome boss Rick, said, 'Good morning,
lady, and by the way Happy Birthday!' It felt a little better that at least
someone had remembered.

I worked until one o'clock, when Rick knocked on my door and said, 'You
know, It's such a beautiful day outside, and it is your birthday, what do
you say we go out to lunch, just you and me.'

I said, 'Thanks, Rick, that's the greatest thing I've heard all day. Let's

We went to lunch. But we didn't go where we normally would go. He chose
instead a quiet bistro with a private table. We had two martinis each and I
enjoyed the meal tremendously.

On the way back to the office, Rick said, 'You know, It's such a beautiful
day...we don't need to go straight back to the office, do we?'

I responded, 'I guess not. What do you have in mind?'

He said, 'Let's drop by my place, it's just around the corner.'

After arriving at his house, Rick turned to me and said, 'If you don't mind,
I'm going to step into the bedroom for just a moment. I'll be right back.'

'Ok.' I nervously replied.

He went into the bedroom and, after a couple of minutes, he came out
carrying a huge birthday cake, followed by my husband,my kids, and dozens of
my friendsand co-workers, all singing 'Happy Birthday'.

And I just sat there....

on the couch....



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Saturday, 19 January 2013

Notre Dame hoax tip was emailed: editor

CHICAGO (Reuters) - The tip that led to the revelation that one of the most widely recounted U.S. sports narratives of the past year was a hoax came to the editors of an online sports blog as many of their news tips do: an unsolicited email.

That email led assignment editor Timothy Burke on the hunt of a story that exposed the heart-wrenching tale of standout Notre Dame linebacker Manti Te'o's dead girlfriend as a fabrication, Burke said on CNN on Thursday.

Te'o sprang to national prominence last fall when the senior co-captain was seen heroically leading the Fighting Irish to an underdog victory against the Michigan State Spartans within days of learning his grandmother had died. Moreover, it was widely reported, Te'o's girlfriend had died of leukemia just hours after his grandmother's death.

From that point, Te'o's narrative was a prominent feature in coverage of the team, which has a dedicated following and whose games are televised nationally each week.

Notre Dame went on to an undefeated regular season, culminating in a berth in the national championship game, which the Fighting Irish lost to the Alabama Crimson Tide on January 7.

"We got an email last week at that said 'Hey, there's something real weird about Lennay Kekua, Manti Te'o's allegedly dead girlfriend. You guys should check it out,'" Burke said.

The email prompted Burke and co-author Jack Dickey to begin searching online for background on Kekua. "So we start Googling the name Lennay Kekua. We can't find any evidence of this person that wasn't attached to stories about her being Manti Te'o's dead girlfriend."

Their investigation led about a week later to a 4,000-word expose, published Wednesday under the headline "Blarney," that painstakingly debunked the story of Kekua's existence. The story went viral online.

Within hours of its publication, officials at Notre Dame, one of the most powerful institutions in college football and U.S. collegiate athletics overall, held a hastily organized press conference to assert that Te'o had been duped in a hoax perpetrated by a friend of his.

The girlfriend, who called herself Kekua and claimed to be a Stanford University graduate, was merely an online persona who "ingratiated herself with Manti and then conspired with others to lead him to believe she had tragically died of leukemia," university spokesman Dennis Brown said in a statement.

Notre Dame Athletic Director Jack Swarbrick said the university learned of the hoax from Te'o on December 26. Te'o answered questions forthrightly and private investigators uncovered several things that pointed to Te'o being a victim in the case, Swarbrick said.

Deadspin's Burke said he remains skeptical of this being a hoax perpetrated on Te'o rather than by Te'o.

"Ask yourself why and what incentive a person would have to execute such a lengthy, time-consuming and expensive con that would involve multiple people and essentially consume his entire life just to screw around with a guy that he knows?" Burke said on CNN. said the woman whose photograph was frequently shown on TV and in news reports about Kekua was actually a young California woman who had never met or communicated with Te'o. The website declined to identify her by name.

On Thursday, TV newsmagazine "Inside Edition" said the woman in the photograph was a 23-year-old marketing professional in Los Angeles named Diane O'Meara. Inside Edition, which is syndicated by CBS Television Distribution, said O'Meara was a former classmate of one of Te'o's friends. It Aredid not give the friend's name.

In the expose published Wednesday, said a friend of Te'o's named Ronaiah Tuiasosopo was "the man behind" the hoax.

Outside Tuiasosopo's home in Palmdale, California on Thursday, a member of his family who did not identify himself told reporters, "Please, we have no comment. Please respect that."

The Te'o hoax is the latest black eye Notre Dame's legendary football program has suffered in recent years.

In 2011, the school was fined $42,000 by an Indiana agency over the death of football videographer Declan Sullivan, 20, who died in October 2010 after a hydraulic lift he was using to record practice toppled over in high winds.

In 2010, Elizabeth "Lizzy" Seeberg, a freshman at nearby St. Mary's College, killed herself ten days after accusing a Notre Dame football player of sexual battery. Her family began questioning the campus police department's reluctance to gather evidence and a 15-day delay in interviewing the accused.

After a federal investigation into the matter, the school agreed to revise its policies on sexual misconduct.

(Additional reporting by Dan Burns, Dana Feldman, David Bailey and Mary Wisniewski.; Editing by Vicki Allen, Greg McCune and Andrew Hay)


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Skin Care Products: What 'Natural,' 'Hypoallergenic' And 'Unscented' Really Mean

By Jenny Bailly

Don?t be fooled by these buzzwords: Four of the most common claims you see on skin care products can be misleading. Dermatologist Leslie Baumann, MD, tells us what these popular terms really mean.

1. 'Unscented'
What you think it means: Free of any fragrances.
What it really means: The product doesn?t have a detectable odor -- but may contain fragrances to mask its natural scent. If you?re trying to avoid fragrance ingredients (which are the most common allergens found in skincare products), ?fragrance-free? is a better label to look for -- although it, too, can be tricky. ?If the primary reason for including a fragrance is not related to scent -- some fragrances, for example, can act as preservatives -- then a product may still be labeled fragrance-free,? says Baumann.
What to look for instead: If possible, test products labeled fragrance-free on your inner wrist and wait a day to see if you have any reaction. You can also scan ingredient lists for the most common fragrances that cause allergies: cinnamic alcohol, cinnamic aldehyde, eugenol, hydroxy-citronellal, geraniol, isoeugenol, and oak moss absolute.

2. 'Natural'
What you think it means: Contains only -- or mostly -- plant and mineral ingredients.
What it really means: Whatever a manufacturer wants. There is no standard for the term ?natural,? so each brand uses it however it wishes. On some labels, ?natural? means that a product contains one or two essential oils (plus a whole lot of high-tech ingredients); on others, ?natural? really does describe a formula without any synthetic ingredients.
What to look for instead: If synthetic-free beauty products are important to you, look for one of several green seals that are regulated by third-party organizations. To earn the USDA?s Organic designation, for example, a beauty product must contain at least 95 percent ingredients that are certified organic (natural and grown without certain pesticides or fertilizers) by the Department of Agriculture?s National Organic Program. (Check out our guide to this and three other seals you might see in the beauty aisle.)

3. 'Firming'
What you think it means:Proven to make skin look more taut.
What it really means: Essentially nothing. ?There is no objective way to measure firming,? says Baumann. ?When a brand says their product has been shown to firm your skin, that claim can only be based on very subjective consumer perception.?
What to look for instead: When your skin feels plump, it also feels -- and looks -- firmer. And the most effective way to plump your skin is with a good moisturizer. Your best bets are creams and lotions with humectants like hyaluronic acid and glycerin. Products that contain sugars will also temporarily smooth and tighten the skin; look for dextrose, sucrose, or other -oses on the ingredients list.

4. 'Hypoallergenic'
What you think it means:Won?t cause an allergic reaction.
What it really means: Often not much. To determine if a product is ?hypoallergenic,? a company should perform patch tests on 100 to 200 subjects and wait several days -- even weeks -- to see how their skin reacts. ?Hypoallergenic? has no official definition, however, and the extent of any testing completed varies widely.
What to look for instead: Because there is not one type of ?sensitive? skin, consider avoiding the specific ingredients that are most likely to cause a reaction in your skin. If you?re acne-prone, for example, stay away from isopropyl myristate and coconut oil. If products often make your skin sting, don?t use anything with lactic acid, glycolic acid, azelaic acid or benzyl alcohol. If you suffer from itchy rashes, look for formulas free of fragrances, cetyl alcohol and parabens. (To find out more about which skin sensitivities you?re prone to, take Baumann?s quiz at

Click through the slideshow below to find out how long you can keep makeup products before they get too germy.

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Friday, 18 January 2013

Unrestricted access to the details of deadly eruptions

Unrestricted access to the details of deadly eruptions [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 18-Jan-2013
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Contact: Hannah Johnson
University of Bristol

Volcanic eruptions have the potential to cause loss of life, disrupt air traffic, impact climate, and significantly alter the surrounding landscape. Knowledge of the past behaviours of volcanoes is key to producing risk assessments of the hazards of modern explosive events.

The open access database of Large Magnitude Explosive Eruptions (LaMEVE) will provide this crucial information to researchers, civil authorities and the general public alike.

Compiled by an international team headed by Dr Sian Crosweller from the Bristol's School of Earth Sciences with support from the British Geological Survey, the LaMEVE database provides for the first time rapid, searchable access to the breadth of information available for large volcanic events of magnitude 4 or greater with a quantitative data quality score.

Dr Crosweller said: "Magnitude 4 or greater eruptions such as Vesuvius in 79AD, Krakatoa in 1883 and Mount St Helens in 1980 are typically responsible for the most loss of life in the historical period. The database's restriction to eruptions of this size puts the emphasis on events whose low frequency and large hazard footprint mean preparation and response are often poor."

Currently, data fields include: magnitude, Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI), deposit volumes, eruption dates, and rock type; such parameters constituting the mainstay for description of eruptive activity.

Planned expansion of LaMEVE will include the principal volcanic hazards (such as pyroclastic flows, tephra fall, lahars, debris avalanches, ballistics), and vulnerability (for example, population figures, building type) details of value to those involved in research and decisions relating to risk.

LaMEVE is the first component of the Volcanic Global Risk Identification and Analysis Project (VOGRIPA) database for volcanic hazards developed as part of the Global Volcano Model (GVM).

Principal Investigator and co-author, Professor Stephen Sparks of Bristol's School of Earth Sciences said: "The long-term goal of this project is to have a global source of freely available information on volcanic hazards that can be used to develop protocols in the event of volcanic eruptions.

"Importantly, the scientific community are invited to actively participate with the database by sending new data and modifications to the database manager and, after being given clearance as a GVM user, entering data thereby maintaining the resource's dynamism and relevance."


LaMEVE is freely available online at

Notes to editors


'Global database on large magnitude explosive volcanic eruptions (LaMEVE)' by Helen Sian Crosweller, Elizabeth Cottrell, Natalia Irma Deligne, Natalie Ortiz Guerrero, Laura Hobbs, Koji Kiyosugi, Susan Clare Loughlin, Lee Siebert, Robert Stephen John Sparks, Shinji Takarada in the Journal of Applied Volcanology.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Unrestricted access to the details of deadly eruptions [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 18-Jan-2013
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Contact: Hannah Johnson
University of Bristol

Volcanic eruptions have the potential to cause loss of life, disrupt air traffic, impact climate, and significantly alter the surrounding landscape. Knowledge of the past behaviours of volcanoes is key to producing risk assessments of the hazards of modern explosive events.

The open access database of Large Magnitude Explosive Eruptions (LaMEVE) will provide this crucial information to researchers, civil authorities and the general public alike.

Compiled by an international team headed by Dr Sian Crosweller from the Bristol's School of Earth Sciences with support from the British Geological Survey, the LaMEVE database provides for the first time rapid, searchable access to the breadth of information available for large volcanic events of magnitude 4 or greater with a quantitative data quality score.

Dr Crosweller said: "Magnitude 4 or greater eruptions such as Vesuvius in 79AD, Krakatoa in 1883 and Mount St Helens in 1980 are typically responsible for the most loss of life in the historical period. The database's restriction to eruptions of this size puts the emphasis on events whose low frequency and large hazard footprint mean preparation and response are often poor."

Currently, data fields include: magnitude, Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI), deposit volumes, eruption dates, and rock type; such parameters constituting the mainstay for description of eruptive activity.

Planned expansion of LaMEVE will include the principal volcanic hazards (such as pyroclastic flows, tephra fall, lahars, debris avalanches, ballistics), and vulnerability (for example, population figures, building type) details of value to those involved in research and decisions relating to risk.

LaMEVE is the first component of the Volcanic Global Risk Identification and Analysis Project (VOGRIPA) database for volcanic hazards developed as part of the Global Volcano Model (GVM).

Principal Investigator and co-author, Professor Stephen Sparks of Bristol's School of Earth Sciences said: "The long-term goal of this project is to have a global source of freely available information on volcanic hazards that can be used to develop protocols in the event of volcanic eruptions.

"Importantly, the scientific community are invited to actively participate with the database by sending new data and modifications to the database manager and, after being given clearance as a GVM user, entering data thereby maintaining the resource's dynamism and relevance."


LaMEVE is freely available online at

Notes to editors


'Global database on large magnitude explosive volcanic eruptions (LaMEVE)' by Helen Sian Crosweller, Elizabeth Cottrell, Natalia Irma Deligne, Natalie Ortiz Guerrero, Laura Hobbs, Koji Kiyosugi, Susan Clare Loughlin, Lee Siebert, Robert Stephen John Sparks, Shinji Takarada in the Journal of Applied Volcanology.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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Boeing?s 787 woes test company?s reputation

21 hrs.

Boeing's new-model 787 is receiving plenty of attention lately - but it's not at all the kind of buzz the aircraft maker had been hoping for with?an aircraft that carries such high hopes it was dubbed the "Dreamliner."

??Welcome to the age of social media, Boeing,? quipped Michel Merluzeau, managing partner with G2 Solutions and a longtime aviation analyst.

The FAA on Wednesday ordered that all new model 787 planes operating in the United States temporarily cease operations?until the FAA is sure that the batteries used in the new airplane are safe. Although the FAA commonly issues airworthiness directives to deal with specific problems, experts say it's rare that the agency takes the extra step of ordering airplanes to stop operating pending a check.

?This is really a very unusual step,? Merluzeau said.

The action came after two serious issues involving the airplanes? batteries raised concerns about fires?inside?the?aircraft. It also follows?a series of other mishaps?in the?past few months that earlier had prompted a broader FAA review of the aircraft model. No one has been hurt in the incidents.

Aviation experts maintain that brand-new airplane models like the 787 are bound to have some growing pains, and most?still believe the airplane will be a success in the long-term. But some?say that the images of firefighters surrounding the aircraft and passengers bouncing off emergency slides are bound to raise alarm bells with some flyers.?

??The aviation community recognizes that Boeing will eventually fix the 787 and anticipate it to be a fine airplane, eventually,? Scott Hamilton, an aviation industry consultant with Leeham and Co., said in an e-mail Thursday. ?The flying public won't be so forgiving in the near-term.?

Even among the aviation community, some say that there could eventually be a limit?to how long customers and industry watchers will be forgiving.

?Boeing is kind of running out of (opportunities) to argue that this is a normal teething issue,? Merluzeau said.

Analysts said the company could likely overcome the current threats to the airplane model's reputation if it can address the issues quickly. That's because most flyers don't pay attention to what airplane they are getting on, as long as they are getting a good price for their ticket.

"You're either afraid of flying or you're not - that's basically what it comes down to," said Richard Aboulafia,?vice president of analysis with Teal Group.

Nevertheless, Aboulafia said that Boeing had likely hoped at this time to be raising excitement and buzz around being the first to fly the 787, rather than responding to FAA directives. Boeing also?has touted the 787 as a superior passenger experience because of bigger windows, better lighting and a more humid cabin.

Slideshow: Take a look inside the Boeing 787 'Dreamliner'

"This is?a kind of buzz wave that manufacturers like to catch upfront," Aboulafia?said.

The 787, which entered service in the fall of 2011, is groundbreaking because it is made largely of light composite materials instead of aluminum, and it relies largely on electric systems instead of hydraulics.

Aviation experts say the 787?s systems mark major technological advancements for aviation, but using such a large number of new technologies also is risky.

Boeing delivered the first 787 more than three years late, in part because of difficulties working with a vast web of suppliers who designed and built key components for the new aircraft. Hamilton, of Leeham, said the distraction of the 787?s woes also have kept the aircraft maker from moving forward with other new airplane designs as quickly as many would like. That could be competitive problem for them down the road.

Boeing has received 848 orders for the 787. It has delivered 49 of the aircraft, according to the aircraft maker?s website.

United Airlines is the only U.S. carrier that is currently operating the 787. The carrier said in a statement Wednesday that it was working with?the FAA and Boeing toward restoring service and would accommodate customers on other airplanes in the interim.

Boeing Chief Executive Jim McNerney said in a statement Wednesday that the company was working around the clock to address the issues.

"We are confident the 787 is safe and we stand behind its overall integrity,? McNerney said in the statement.


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Wayne State University researcher to evaluate success of text message diabetes intervention

Wayne State University researcher to evaluate success of text message diabetes intervention [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 17-Jan-2013
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Contact: Julie O'Connor
Wayne State University - Office of the Vice President for Research

DETROIT A Wayne State University researcher has received a combined $36,000 in grants from the Southeastern Michigan Health Association and Greater Cincinnati HealthBridge, Inc. to help determine the success of a Type 2 diabetes intervention program currently being piloted in southeast Michigan, greater Cincinnati and New Orleans.

In "Txt4health: A Program Evaluation," Lorraine Buis, Ph.D., assistant professor of nursing specializing in adult health, will focus on txt4Health, a 14-week text message-based behavioral intervention targeting Type 2 diabetes and its risks.

Txt4health is a joint venture of the American Diabetes Association; the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC); Voxiva, an interactive mobile health services company; and the Southeast Michigan Beacon Community, Greater Cincinnati Beacon Community and Crescent City Beacon Community in New Orleans.

The entities piloting the free program are all part of the Beacon Community Cooperative Agreement Program, which comprises 17 diverse communities nationwide in which an ONC grant initiative is helping to build and strengthen health information technology infrastructure that supports clinical quality improvement and population health goals.

Txt4health delivers tailored messages to users based on their individual risk for developing Type 2 diabetes. It includes several different approaches to promoting lifestyle and behavioral changes, including physical activity self-monitoring, physical activity and weight goal setting, tailored physical activity and nutrition messages, and motivational messaging.

The first part of Buis's evaluation will involve a retrospective analysis of system data to understand participant usage of txt4health. The second will consist of a participant survey to understand user perceptions and satisfaction with the program.

"This two-phased evaluation will help us understand how a public health text message program focusing on type 2 diabetes is perceived by users within the community," Buis said. "In addition, this evaluation will shed light on how individuals use an automated text message-based intervention."


Wayne State University is one of the nation's pre-eminent public research universities in an urban setting. Through its multidisciplinary approach to research and education, and its ongoing collaboration with government, industry and other institutions, the university seeks to enhance economic growth and improve the quality of life in the city of Detroit, state of Michigan and throughout the world. For more information about research at Wayne State University, visit

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Wayne State University researcher to evaluate success of text message diabetes intervention [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 17-Jan-2013
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Contact: Julie O'Connor
Wayne State University - Office of the Vice President for Research

DETROIT A Wayne State University researcher has received a combined $36,000 in grants from the Southeastern Michigan Health Association and Greater Cincinnati HealthBridge, Inc. to help determine the success of a Type 2 diabetes intervention program currently being piloted in southeast Michigan, greater Cincinnati and New Orleans.

In "Txt4health: A Program Evaluation," Lorraine Buis, Ph.D., assistant professor of nursing specializing in adult health, will focus on txt4Health, a 14-week text message-based behavioral intervention targeting Type 2 diabetes and its risks.

Txt4health is a joint venture of the American Diabetes Association; the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC); Voxiva, an interactive mobile health services company; and the Southeast Michigan Beacon Community, Greater Cincinnati Beacon Community and Crescent City Beacon Community in New Orleans.

The entities piloting the free program are all part of the Beacon Community Cooperative Agreement Program, which comprises 17 diverse communities nationwide in which an ONC grant initiative is helping to build and strengthen health information technology infrastructure that supports clinical quality improvement and population health goals.

Txt4health delivers tailored messages to users based on their individual risk for developing Type 2 diabetes. It includes several different approaches to promoting lifestyle and behavioral changes, including physical activity self-monitoring, physical activity and weight goal setting, tailored physical activity and nutrition messages, and motivational messaging.

The first part of Buis's evaluation will involve a retrospective analysis of system data to understand participant usage of txt4health. The second will consist of a participant survey to understand user perceptions and satisfaction with the program.

"This two-phased evaluation will help us understand how a public health text message program focusing on type 2 diabetes is perceived by users within the community," Buis said. "In addition, this evaluation will shed light on how individuals use an automated text message-based intervention."


Wayne State University is one of the nation's pre-eminent public research universities in an urban setting. Through its multidisciplinary approach to research and education, and its ongoing collaboration with government, industry and other institutions, the university seeks to enhance economic growth and improve the quality of life in the city of Detroit, state of Michigan and throughout the world. For more information about research at Wayne State University, visit

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